Irish Wrecks Database

Shipwrecks around Ireland and this Database

The authors Roy Stokes and Liam Dowling have continued to add new shipwrecks, Geo Map Search, (provided by Google) video footage, photographs, seabed and anomalies and provide details on 15,000+ entries from around the coast of Ireland. The data is compiled under a number of field headings and successful searches can be completed with only the minimum of information available. When available, detailed results will also include photographs of the ship before and after being wrecked and any available underwater pictures and video clips.


Space does not allow us to list all of the sources referenced for the compilation of this database. The complete list can however be viewed within the database itself (Reference Database).  However, it may be helpful to outline just a few of the primary and more important sources here, and to express our sincere thanks for access to these and to congratulate on the fine work that has been painstakingly spent in their compilation over many years.

Lloyds List (LL), Lloyd’s Registers of Shipping(LRS), Shipwrecks of the Irish Coast(SOTIC) (4 Vols.) by E. Bourke, Shipwreck Index of Ireland (SII) by Bridget Teresa & Richard Larne, Shipwreck Inventory of Ireland(SII) by Karl Brady of the Deptartment of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government of Ireland.

There may be images in this database that are inaccurately attributed, or where there were no credible details of an author available. The authors apologise for this, and would be grateful if the original photographer or artist would make contact, in order that we may properly accredit the image, or to have it removed.

What makes this database somewhat different from others that are available online, is the unique reference made to the records of fishermen, divers and local folklore. To these we owe a considerable debt of gratitude. There is also a considerable input made by the authors’ personal research, both on land and underwater.


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Heading:WW2 - Wreck in Brittas Bay - Irish Shipping
 The Norwegian steamer SS Hill was strafed on two occasions, suffered collision damage, and stranded in Brittas Bay as she was running for repairs in Dublin Dockyard in 1944. Ireland was virtually blockaded at the time, and with just a handful of ships, was trying desperately to keep Eire supplied.
These warrants are issued as a wartime measure by the British Ministry of War Transport and are, in effect, licences without which it would be impossible to operate vessels.... It is now practically impossible to secure ships either through flag transfer or an unconditional ship warrant.”
The Hill was owned by Green Isle Shipping, or the Irishman, H.P. Lenaghan, who would become a shipping magnate, apparently remaining under the radar in the history of Ireland’s shipping industry.
The Hill became a dangerous obstruction and was dispersed in 1945. Unfortunately the job was insufficient, and the remains have been struck a number of times over the intervening years; sinking two boats and the cause of one death.
In 2023 she badly damaged the Arklow yacht, J-Outhal, after she struck a ‘submerged obstruction’. Divers were tasked to have a look at the dangerous obstruction beneath the surface, just off a popular seaside beach in county Wicklow, which led to the following story.  

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